Photos from ACEfitness.org

Attain medical clearance from your doctor before this workout. I am not responsible for injury.

Directions: Each exercise will be performed at 8-10 rep range, and 4 sets. Rest time in between will be 60-90 sec. To shorten workout length, try super sets. (2 exercises done consecutively with no rest). Between super sets, max out on recovery time at 90 seconds.

Warm-up: 3 sets of 10 Push-ups and a 10-second Bent-arm Chest Stretch for each side.

After the Exercises: 10 minutes on the treadmill @ pace for .7 - 1.0 mile.

Cool-down: Same as warm-up






Bent-arm Chest Stretch

(Hold for 10-sec each side)


The Workout


Incline Bench Press


Alternating Dumbbell Bench Press

(Just like the bench press, only alternating one at a time.)


Decline Bench Press


Chest Fly


Bench Press


Decline Cable Fly


Standing Cable Fly


Alternating Incline Dumbbell Press

Just like the Incline Dumbbell Press, only you’re pressing one at a time.