Photos from ACEfitness.org

Attain medical clearance from your doctor before doing this workout. I am not responsible for injury.

Directions: Perform each exercise in the 7-10 range. 4 sets. 60-90 sec. rest time between sets.

For Supersets: Exercises have been staggered Bicep/Tricep for super sets. Superset forearm exercises as well.

Warm-up: Resistance band curls: Medium resistance, 3 sets - 15-20 reps

Cool-Down: Same as warm-up




Banded Bicep Curl


The Workout


Barbell Curl


Tricep Pushdown (rope attachment)


Reverse Barbell Curl


Tricep Kickback


Machine Bicep Curl


Tricep Pushdown (straight bar)


Wrist Curl


Wrist Extension