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Attain medical clearance from your doctor before this workout. I am not responsible for injury.

Directions: Perform each exercise in the 8-10 rep range for 4 sets (each side if applicable). Rest time 60-90 sec.

Warm-up: Bodyweight squats - 3 sets x 10, Banded Monster Walks - 2 sets x 10 steps forward/backward (for glute activation)

Cool-Down: 1-2 sets of Bodyweight Squats & 1-2 sets of Banded Monster Walks (Forward/Backward; Side/Side)




Bodyweight Squat


Banded Monster Walk

(walk laterally; take 10 steps each side. For greater glute activation, deepen your squat )


The Workout


Elevated Glute Bridge (weighted)


Bulgarian Split Squat (weighted)


Goblet Squat (weighted)


Forward Lunges (weighted)


Walking Abduction (resistance band)


Lateral Lunges


Donkey Kick

(optional: grab a dumbbell and rest it on the back of the knee for some resistance, or use a resistance band, placed right above the knees.)